Buy your tickets online and save time on the day of your visit!

Then you will only need to show your e-tickets at the entrance (print or smartphone/tablet view).

If you need more than 10 tickets, please contact our Reservation department and get reduced rates.

Winter-Spring individual access ticket: from February 8th to July 5th, 2025

With this ticket, you have access to:

the Interpretation Center including:

– the temporary exhibition dedicated to antique cuisine: Dans les cuisines d’Alésia*
– the temporary presentation area explaining the history of Alésia* (replacing the permanent exhibition under construction)
– the fun area for families: Le Resto des Petits Mythos*
– the reconstruction of the roman fortifications outside
– animation, demonstrations and antique craft activities

the gallo-roman town remains (archeological site), located 3 kms from the Interpretation Center, including:
– the gallo-roman town remains
– the use of a tablet with a 3D application (english version available)

Access to the statue of Vercingétorix is free all year long.

* WARNING: available in french language only

WARNING: until June 2021, the permanent exhibition of the Interpretation Center is under construction. During the duration of the work, we invite you to discover a substitute exhibition*, installed in the atrium, retracing the history of the famous headquarters of Alésia from texts, illustrations and educational models.

Summer individual access ticket: from July 7th to August 31st, 2021

With this ticket, you have access to:

the Interpretation Center including:
– the new permanent exhibition about the history of Alesia
– the fun area for families: Le Resto des Petits Mythos*
– the reconstruction of the roman fortifications outside
– animation, demonstrations and antique craft activities

the gallo-roman town remains (archeological site), located 3 kms from the Interpretation Center, including:
– the gallo-roman town remains
– the use of a tablet with a 3D application (english version available)

Access to the statue of Vercingétorix is free all year long.

* WARNING: available in french language only

Autumn individual access ticket: from September 1st to November 30th, 2021

With this ticket, you have access to:

the Interpretation Center including:
– the new permanent exhibition about the history of Alesia
– the new temporary exhibition: Construire malin, construire romain!
– the fun area for families: Le Resto des Petits Mythos*
– the reconstruction of the roman fortifications outside
– animation, demonstrations and antique craft activities

the gallo-roman town remains (archeological site), located 3 kms from the Interpretation Center, including:
– the gallo-roman town remains
– the use of a tablet with a 3D application (english version available)

Access to the statue of Vercingétorix is free all year long.

You can buy the following e-tickets online:
Adult access + 17 years old
Junior access 7-17 years old
Access for children under 7 is free (proof of age can be requested at the entrance).
Reduced rates and free access tickets are available at the welcome desk only, on the day of your visit (proof will be requested).
You can use your non-dated ticket any day during the selected period (winter-spring, summer or autumn).